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When you make a large investment in your audio visual equipment, you expect it to be reliable.
That’s why at Sysflex, we use various IT pro-active monitoring tools which will ensure the stability of your equipment.
We can receive e-mail alerts if there are issues with the equipment such as loss of connectivity or loss of power. We can also generate regular reports stating the status of the environment.
With IT and AV converging into the same space with technologies such as universal communications combining functionality, it’s become even more important that these tools are able to give advance warning of failiures.
For example, with AV signals often being sent across corporate networks, it’s vital the monitoring can detect an issue before it arises.
We, at Sysflex can generate comprehensive reports if required, and our pro-active monitoring system is directly linked into our support and ticketing system, so you can be confident that your solution will be fully supported by our expert team.
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We love Technology! Because we have great experience in modern workplace tech, we have a wide range of technical expertise that we can share, in order to help you make the right decisions.
Here are our contact details, we would be happy to hear from you.
Sysflex Ltd,
The Nexus,
Darby Close
Cheney Manor
+44 (0) 330 3216284
If you need support or you have an enquiry you would like us to help with, then please fill out the form below and we will be in touch as soon as we can.